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Systems: Celebrating Trek's MacGuffins

Updated: Feb 25, 2022

It's fairly common in Trek writing to come up with one-off devices which get added to a ship for the sole purpose of serving the plot or driving a trope (i.e. a new upgrade malfunctions). These devices are only seen/used in that episode and are never heard from again. They are pieces of technology that do not remain permanently on the ship and don't see further development or incorporation on other ships later on down the line.

In STCCG Redux, these cards bring that unique functionality to your ships. Like their on-screen counterparts, they are unique and can only have one copy in play. They are classified into three types: Defense, Offense, and Auxiliary. You may only use one from each category on a ship at a time and they must be "installed" at a headquarters.

Editor's Note: We realize that Ablative Armor was used and referred to several times and is not a true MacGuffin.



Star Trek in all forms is copyright and trademark of CBS Paramount Studios which has no affiliation with STCCG Redux. This site is for non profit use only. This is a fan developed project and is not affiliated with Decipher, CBS Paramount Studios, or any other organization affiliated with the Star Trek Customizable Card Game.

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