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Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser

Starfleet Type-2 Phaser
Starfleet Type-2 Phaser

Hand Weapon. While in combat, each of your [Fed] personnel present is Strength +1.

Starfleet hand weapon commonly issued to security officers and away team members. Though revised several times for more ergonomic handling, the weapon’s basic technology has gone virtually unchanged throughout the 24th century.

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Starfleet Type-2 Phaser

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