"You! The one who is moving now, answer me!"
"Yes, Captain Kavok!"
The VCR was in its heyday in the '80s and '90s and this did not go unnoticed by the game industry. It became popular to create board games that came with a VCH tape that would be played along with the game. Sometimes it would involve clips that would be played at certain time, sometimes it would play through and the game would be timed to the tape. The latter was the case in 1993's Star Trek: The Next Generation - Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge.
Robert O'Reilly plays "Not-Gowron" Captain Kavok, a renegade Klingon warrior who steals the Enterprise during its scheduled maintenance overhaul in order to start a war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. As part of a team left aboard to conduct repairs, you and the other players must work to thwart Kovok's plan. Here's the catch: you only have one hour before the Enterprise reaches Klingon space. Meanwhile, you must endure the torture of the Klingon
rebel as he tries to stop you.
The game is a bit of a cult classic in the Star Trek franchise. O'Rielly's performance (bordering on better than his portrayal of Gowron) injects fun into the Klingon attitude and his demanding nature and pestering of the players makes for a fun party game.
While this card is a direct port from Second Edition, it is no less favorable in Redux. When paired with Call the Banners, he can add a valuable personnel addition to your House Duras deck. Of course, he also allows you to download his signature Event...